Monday, October 1, 2012

PowerPoint Terrific

As a requirement for our technology for teaching class, we had to create and design a PowerPoint.  We had to pick a Pennsylvania State Standard, create an objective, a narrative, and a lesson plan. I chose to do a third grade writing lesson, and chose these standards to work with.  After choosing the standards, I was ready to create my lesson.  I reviewed proper grammar, capital letters, periods, question marks, and periods by playing a game.  After reviewing this, I had the students work on this worksheet, based on a story we read.

 The PowerPoint had to be visually appealing, free of errors, contain links, animations, and effects.  Although I am some-what familiar with PowerPoint, this was still a challenge for me.  First of all, I never have created a lesson plan before, or an objective.  Also, I have never added internal and external hyperlinks to a PowerPoint, or transitions and animations.  To learn and work with these different options was wonderful, and when done in a way other than direct instruction, PowerPoint is a great way to construct a lesson. Presenting to a small group of peers was wonderful, and in my opinion more beneficial than presenting to the whole class.  By presenting to a small group of peers, we were able to go into more detail about our projects, explain them, and actually give meaningful feedback.  All of the Power Points that I saw were excellent, had wonderful content, and were very appealing.

Although it was challenging, this project was very much worth the effort and time.  I learned a lot, and in turn feel more comfortable with PowerPoint, and creating a lesson plan.

This is the story that I had said my class had read prior to the lesson:

Here are some more pictures that my PowerPoint included to make the lesson more interesting:

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