Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) is a concept that allows students and teachers to learn at little or no cost. This website shows us seven things we should know about Open Educational Resources.  Open Educational Resources are usually some sort of electronic device. OER's are under a license that tells the user how the device can be used.  Some forms of OER can be modified, and some must be used in their original source.  OER's can be used in online learning, but also in the traditional face to face classroom environments.  OER's provide a different type of learning environment for students and teachers. Student textbooks are ridiculously expensive in elementary school, high-school, and universities; however, OER's can lower the cost, and make the content meaningful and resourceful to the student. However, OER's depend a lot on the resources available, and sometimes there are few resources. With there being few resources, much of the content can be modified, making it hard to know what information is valid. OER will without a doubt help learners who are working, adult learners, and other non traditional students learn and have free and unlimited access to information. As the article states, Open Educational Resources are one solution to dealing with the high costs of education, and introduce new ways of learning and teaching.

One company that licenses OER's and decides how they can be used is called the Commons.  The Commons is a web resource that allows users to search for information needed.  The website provided is the Commons national website. The website provides different sources to different subject areas such as science, english, math, etc. An article by the Washington Post discusses the cost of books and the effect it has on college students. According to the Washington Post, some students simply cannot afford the price of their textbooks, and therefore just doing without for the semester or duration of the class. OER solves this problem.  OER allows all students to access the information needed, and is at an affordable cost, or no cost at all.  This is fair and equal opportunity to all students. The article referenced above titled the "Seven Things You Should Know About Open Educational Resources" discussed different concepts, what Open Educational Resources are, how they work, who is using them, the significance, and the downfalls to OER.

Open Educational Resources are an excellent way to teach now and in the future.  Different subject areas and assignments can be completed through this process. OER's allow all students to have the opportunity to have access and learn the content needed.  I believe Open Educational Resources are a great transformation, and I believe that this is in the benefit of all students. If available to me in the future, as an educator and learner, I will definitely take advantage of  Open Educational Resources.

Three more interesting and informative websites to explore:
Hewlett Foundation
Classroom Aid
Communication and Information

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